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"I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from Satan's power." (John 17:15) (Life Application Bible)"Make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth."(John 17:17) (Life Application Bible)"A person becomes pure and holy through believing and obeying the Wordof God (Hebrews 4:12) and accepting the forgiveness of our sins throughChrist's sacrificial death (Hebrews 7:26-27). The process of becomingholy and pure involves God's workmanship with respect to our past,present, and future. Through Christ we have been saved from sin; through the Holy Spirit we are growing in our Christian life, according to God's plan, we will be made perfect when Christ returns." (Hebrews 9:24-28)(Life Application from Life Application Bible)WALKING WITH THE HOLY SPIRITIn the middle of the night do you toss and turn? Not being able to sleep for some unknown reason? Do you have night sweats of fear? Does thefeeling of hopelessness creep upon your time of refreshing slumber?Do the memories of sin slink through your mind like a river of hot lavaflowing through your soul?In the glorious morn of the day does your desire to pray slowly slipaway like a ebbtide? Already gone before it has begun?During your drive to work does your mind and soul fret and worry overthe day's coming events?Seeing that the day is half way through, have you put aside thatyearning n your soul to pray for others? Has something more urgent intoday's world "preyed" upon your heart and soul?Have you forgotten to be thankful for the blessings that God has sograciously and lovingly given to you this day? Perhaps your sorrows seem to outweigh those blessings. Do you, then, really feel blessed when youallow the thoughts of unforgiveness, envy, greed, and selfishness toraise their gruesome faces of evil to overpower the goodness in you?You can be lulled to sleep by the waves of the Holy Spirit washing overyou. You can be cooled by the breeze of angel's wings. A blanket ofhope, joy, and love can be pulled over you to cover and warm your heartand soul of it's hopelessness.The river of hot lava sins can be cooled, hardened, and then broken into pieces of dust to be blown away by the sweet forgiving breath of theHoly Spirit.You can soak in the glorious sunshine of morn or see the silver sparkle in the raindrops if they fall this day. You can pray in thankfulness for whatever the morn may bring.You can be thankful for the drive to work because you have a car, youhave a job, you have blessings some others do not have this day.Do not let the evil one "prey" upon your time. You can PRAY at any given time of day. Think of others, send those loving "target" prayers tothose you come close to this day. You do not have to know thempersonally. The Holy Spirit is there, He is whispering in your soul,take time to LISTEN TO HIM.Think upon your blessings, not your sorrows. That is often so difficulta task to do. Open your heart and He will plant the seeds of blessingsand take away the weeds of sorrow.The soot of unforgiveness, the green gorged eyes of envy, the greasystench of greed, the black heart of selfishness will be washed away by a rushing waterfall of cleansing hope that overpowers those chains ofsuppression in your soul.Call out His Name, Holy Spirit, come walk with me today.Truly walk with Him this day, refresh your soul this day, go in peacethis day. When the night stars shine in the heavens above you thiscoming night, He will remain, if only you will ask.
Copyright 2002 by Altalee Stellhorn